Sony didn’t let it fail Concord and does not want to disappoint players and continues its strategy of entering PlayStation consoles and computers. multiplayer games. For this purpose, a studio was purchased two years ago Bangui. However, experts noted that more than $3 billion per creator Fate it’s just too much. This was later confirmed when Sony discovered internal problems at Bungie and was unhappy with the way it was being run.
After layoffs, cancellations (or projects being transferred to other teams), and Bungie being defined as a studio working on Destiny and Marathon, another change is coming. Bungie’s creative department is moving directly under the control of PlayStation form the core creative team that will oversee all live-action titles for PlayStation. She is the senior creative director of this transformation. Bridget O’Neillwho was the senior head of Bungie Creative Studios and is now the senior creative director of PlayStation Studios. O’Neill looks forward to sharing his experience developing interactive service projects with his colleagues.
Fans of PlayStation Studios’ single-player story-driven games can continue to look forward to new titles. Only at Sony does it happen that some teams work on single-player games, while others work on multiplayer games.
Sony made a good shooter Helldivers 2 from an outside team, but the big disappointment was Concorde. A new heroic action game from the former creators of Call of Duty was closed just two weeks after release. Now it has to be reconstructed. It should be released soon Fair play$ Jade Raymond (who created the Assassin’s Creed series) and then Bungie’s Marathon. As for Destiny, new content has been announced for Destiny 2.
Source :Indian TV