Development of The Wolf Among Us 2 continues

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Telltale denies speculation about problems.

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Test games denies reports of possible cancellation of the second series The Wolf Among Us. “Development of The Wolf Among Us 2 continues and we look forward to sharing more information with fans and the community when the time comes,” the studio told Eurogamer.

He is responding to claims from Reddit user Fabulous_Abrocoma_41, who later deleted his account. He wrote: “[Můj] The source noted that although the project has not yet been officially cancelled, it is at a critical point where there may be no choice but to freeze it. “The company is under a lot of pressure to keep things secret while they try to figure out how to move forward, but the situation looks bleak.”

The Wolf Among Us 2 was announced already in 2017. However, the studio failed a year later and was renewed a year later. The re-introduced game was aimed at 2023, but the creators delayed it due to the transition to Unreal Engine 5 and attempts to avoid crises and burnout. Last fall, specific developers talked about mass layoffs in the team. Telltale’s current company is working on a game with Special studiowhich also consists of Telltale employees from before the collapse.

Source : Zing

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