Panettiere and Stormare hint at a sequel.
Alleged sequel to narrative horror Until dawn A couple of actors from the play also come to mind. They are following, on the one hand, a subtitle scene from the recently released remake, and on the other hand, journalist Nick Baker, according to whom a sequel is being created at the studio. Fire Sprite.
“Until Dawn has been with us for many years. I think people love him. And that he [vývojáři] I continue to develop, this shows that there is interest in him,” he says in a new bonus video. Hayden Panettierewho played the character Sam.
Actor Peter Stormare shared an image on Instagram again, with the caption asking, “Does the ‘Before Dawn’ remake confirm a sequel?”
Stormare will also reprise his role as Dr. Hill in the upcoming adaptation of Before Dawn, which recently announced its final twist.
Source : Zing