A few months ago at the Xbox Games Showcase we were presented with a beautiful model. turn-based role-playing game Claire Obscurus: Expedition 33. This is the debut game of the indie studio from Montpellier. Sand Interactive. Therefore, the situation in France is not unexpected. But what’s exciting about the first trailer is the sight of the deformed Eiffel Tower and the world collapsing. So we had to ask the developers at Gamescom this year what inspired them to create these games. surreal landscapes.
“For the artwork, we wanted to create something unique that had never been seen before, so we combined several different influences. The first one Beautiful Epokwhich is set in early 20th century France and you can find a lot in the costumes, design and all aspects. Even in the user interface. It also mixes elements of fantasy and surrealism. We have a level where we are sort of underwater, but not quite, and this level is connected to the estate. This world is really very chaotic, and you can expect a lot of such surreal elements in the game.”
The mentioned estate is connected with different parts of the world and we have to learn more about the lore of the game in it. But what is really happening in this world? Our main enemy – Malyarkathat is, a creature living under a monolith. Each year she paints one smaller number on it, causing a phenomenon known as gommage. The latter can be translated as erasure, which is quite accurate, since people aged blurry number during this event they just disappear. Players take on the role of members of an expedition that is trying to reach Malyarka and destroy it so that it cannot reduce its numbers further. However, don’t expect too much environmental and story exploration in the open world. Looks like this it will be more of a linear experience.
“We don’t want to reveal the exact structure of the game, but we are planning something really cool. But when it comes to the levels themselves, we’re designing them to have plenty of side areas to explore, secret bosses to find, and hidden loot to find. So research is key and very helpfulthat is, if you get into it. But the levels themselves are not an open world. It’s all based on levels, really, and some are more open than others.”
Source :Indian TV