TOP 10 Patented Gaming Systems – INDIAN

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In the creative industry there is no worse crime than stealing an idea. Of course, the largest game studios understand this very well and, trying to prevent someone from parasitizing on their genius, they patent everything they can. Almost paranoid and sometimes to the detriment of the players themselves. We’ll show you today ten gaming systemswhich were patented by their creators.

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And we’ll start with this the sloppiest. Duology Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor And Shadow of War went down in gaming history not only because it was a very successful game. Its main and legitimate selling point was the Nemesis system.

This allowed the player to create their own stories that went beyond the plot of the game itself.. For example, if you are killed by a random goblin, he will receive a promotion and thus become stronger. If you lose another confrontation with him, he can thus lead Sauron’s army. If you defeat him and the goblin survives, he is already ready for your techniques and you will have to come up with another way to neutralize him. In the next part, relationships between goblins were added to it. If you kill someone’s friend, they will come for you. Or you can train a commander for your own army, but when you are betrayed, it really hurts.

The Nemesis system received rave reviews from reviewers and players alike, and it probably was. he couldn’t find anyone who didn’t want to see him in other games. This is from 2021, when the Warner Bros. patent began to apply. Games, but it will be difficult. At least he managed to get into the series Assassin’s Creed in a somewhat simplified form. Apparently we can expect this in the upcoming Wonder Woman game. If we ever see her.

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Source :Indian TV

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