Those interested in the original version will have to pay extra.
The Horizon Zero Dawn remaster was revealed at the State of Play event on Wednesday. Added introductory trailer pricing informationwhich was set at 50 euros. However, PlayStation representatives said that owners of the original version for PlayStation 4 and PC will be able to upgrade to the remaster through an update for 10 euros.
It was this condition that caused the increase in prices for the original game in the official PlayStation Store, which occurred immediately after the announcement of the remaster. Although in recent months Horizon Zero Dawn could be purchased for 20 euros, so at the moment the price of the game is 40 euros.
By raising the price twice as high as the current price, PlayStation representatives are trying to discourage players they got a better deal just for the remaster. If the price of the game had remained at the mentioned twenty euros, then with the addition of ten euros for the update, players could have received the updated version for 30 euros. Thus, compared to the standard €50 purchase of the remaster, they will save €20, which Sony prevented by raising the price of the original game.
Horizon Zero Dawn Update will be released on October 31st on PlayStation 5 and PC.
Source : Zing