Players have shown great interest in the Cyberpunk 2077 board

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The authors have already raised almost $3 million.

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Since working on a full-fledged sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 at the new branch of CD Projekt RED studio in Boston, USA. they just start slowso fans of the brand will have to make do with other projects outside the world of video games for a while.

Besides the comics or the successful Cyberpunk: Edgerunners series, this group could also include the upcoming board game called “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners”. Cyberpunk 2077 – Board GameBehind the council is the Polish studio Go On Board, which, naturally, is preparing the project under the sanctification of CD Projekt itself.

The authors recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on the Gamefound platform. The main goal, set at $100,000, was reached in just 10 minutes and is now complete. over 2.7 million dollars from more than 17 thousand participants.

Until the end of the campaign there are still two weeks left. You can get more detailed information about the board itself directly on the campaign page or through the video attached below, in which the authors present the main features and rules.

Source :Indian TV

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