If you are a fan of manga and anime Attack on Titanas in our case Attack of the Titansand at your home Meta-questthen you might be interested in the new name Attack on Titan VR: InvincibleHe came in a few days ago. early access with the first two chapters. The Japanese developers released it along with UNIVERSITY new trailer.
In the game the player dresses up transport device for spatial maneuvering and from the point of view first person intends to destroy the broken through titans Wall of Maria. Those familiar with the design know that this will involve a lot of crazy flying between buildings, so you should expect the game to Not for the faint of hearteven by VR gaming standards. We also see a few in the trailer famous characters and unknown species Replacement blades. So the player will have more of them at his disposal than just the classic ones from the manga. They have different blades various states.
You can now buy the first two chapters from the Meta Store for the bargain price of five dollars – less than 120 crowns. By the end of this year, the full version is also set to be released at a higher, undisclosed price. In addition to the other chapters, it will also contain two player mode. The game is available for Meta Quest 2, 3 and Pro. The game is currently receiving good reviews on the Meta Store: at the time of writing, 76% of players have rated the game five stars, 16% four.
Source :Indian TV