Marvel Rivals Is A Surprisingly Promising Hero Shooter – Beta Impressions – INDIAN

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In the same month in which we were able to try out the hero shooter Concord and to find out that we have big doubts about this, we also got our hands on a semi-closed beta version Marvel’s Rivals. Another team shooter with heroeswhich this time around is primarily trying to attract attention with its realities from the universe of the comic book giant Marvel. We spent a few hours in the beta version and got the chance to try everything it has to offer. Let’s quickly see if it’s worth it, or Marvel Rivals overslept.

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Let’s not beat around the bush – more than anything else, this team-based game from NetEase reminded us of Overwatch and Paladins. Other hero shooters didn’t quite come to mind, and this, at least from scratch, is actually a good thing. Overwatch, regardless of its current state and mainstream opinion, can still be considered the gold standard of this genreAnd because of those very similarities, Marvel Rivals ends up being more fun than we probably expected to begin with.

The matches themselves consist of twelve players, or two teams of six heroes each. And not just heroes. In total, we were able to try out 21 characters, which is quite a lot, especially for a beta version. In addition to today’s well-known comic constants, such as Iron Man, Hulk, Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch or Spider-Manthe game also offers a number of characters that you probably wouldn’t expect in the base roster. Such as Luna Snow, Magik or Penny Parker.

But the combination of well-known and little-known characters creates a very pleasant dynamic, and especially with the lesser-known ones, the developers have a little more freedom in their actions, because the expectations from them are not so high. This is one of the main points of potential criticism of the announcement. In short, Marvel Rivals with its heroes will not seem so original. And reality is actually half the battle.

What do we mean by that? Well, while some characters have exactly the abilities you’d expect, you won’t blame the developers their certain lack of originality – for example, Doctor Strange’s teleportation, Bruce Banner’s ability to turn into the Hulk, Loki’s ability to create clones of himself and make himself invisible, or Groot’s indulgence in creating walls – the rest of the characters, and in fact most of them seem pretentious. We don’t mean to say “copied”, but it’s definitely more than just inspiration. The fact that today’s hero shooters can’t come up with anything truly original is a topic we briefly discussed in our impressions of the aforementioned Concord. But the fact that in Marvel Rivals we said that most characters’ abilities were a combination of two characters, for example, from Overwatch, is already a bit surprising.

Star-Lord is a good example. He’s a really fun character overall. He has two submachine guns, the ability to do this minor dodge, fly forward, and his ultimate allows him to fly up, aim, and shoot enemies almost like an aimbot. There’s nothing wrong with him in principle, but at first glance you can tell that his “kit” is actually nothing more than a combination of Tracer, Cassidy, and Soldier:76.. So if we stick to the Overwatch comparison. And most of the characters we can currently find in the beta could be positioned in a similar way. But don’t get us wrong: we don’t see this as a major flaw in the game. And it’s not really a negative. It’s more of an observation of a fact that might be disappointing to some, especially in the context of the depth of individual comic book characters.

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Source :Indian TV

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