History of an interesting game Alters built on doubt The main character is Ian and what would have happened if he had decided otherwise. Any of us, alone on a planet that wanted to kill us, would probably have doubts. Our astronaut is worse off because of his alternative versionswho made different decisions at different times in their personal lives.
The Alters is an emotional science fiction game reminiscent of Fallout Shelter and No Man’s Sky.. We are in a fight for survival on an inhospitable abandoned planet with a burning star. We must save ourselves before the temperature rises sharply and the planet burns up. To do this, we will need a mysterious substance and so-called alters. Each alternate version of Ian has a unique personality shaped by different life paths.This will not only lead to increased chances of survival, but also to problems and conflicts.
And today’s video is about doubt. The Alters will be out sometime later this year on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. It will be available for subscription on the same day. Game Pass.
Source :Indian TV