In the past, the famous Czech creator Radim Seyfarth, nicknamed Hurricane, together with his team created several official World of Warcraft trailers. But orders for Blizzard did not stop Seyfarth from working on various personal projects. The proof is the recently released trailer called World of the Race TrackThis is a 1.5 minute video where you can see the characters and realities of Warcraft combined with the racing and style of Mad Max.
So if you’re wondering what this new combination might look like, the video above will give you the answer. Radim Seyfarth talked about it in a demo with his team. worked for the last 7 months. the main goal was to further deepen his skills and test individual tools that he could then use in his future projects.
The demo consists of 23 frames created using the 3D program Cinema4D and the rendering tool OctaneRender. You can see it below additional video shooting.
Source :Indian TV