The previous head of Arrowhead studio, which worked on the hit Helldivers 2, has come to the fore many times with her statements. This time Johan Pilestedt spoke with GamesIndustry magazine. As usual, a lot was said in the interview. For example, he must have received a number of dire threats in the previous months. In short, players are often not exactly peace-loving souls, and such wild play often stirs up emotions. However, according to him, most of the players contributed to the development of the work that he had the opportunity to create.
In his opinion, the studio needs to actively work with the community to sharpen its edges and reduce the influx of toxic behavior. However, he himself sees a huge amount of ambition in Arrowhead. He even believes the studio has the potential to become the next Blizzard or FromSoftware. Of course, there was much more to the conversation. What was truly exciting, however, was the idea of the company’s priorities, which Pilestedt commented on: “We do not do business for financial gain. Humility and the desire to simply make great games is the only reason we exist.I wish there were more developers like this in the gaming industry. He himself has now changed his role from CEO to Creative Director in order to be closer to the players. Helldivers 2 is currently available on PC and PS5.
Source :Indian TV