The gaming Oscars have turned into a promotional show ridiculing the developers, viewers say – INDIAN

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A few hours drive on behalf Game rewards We’re done for this year. One of the most watched broadcasts in the world of video games, which is becoming increasingly popular every year, brought a number of interesting announcements and entertained the audience for more than three and a half hours. What, paradoxically, may have received too little attention is the awards show itself.. This is a small drawback for an event whose main focus is announcing the best games of the year in several different categories.

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Throughout its existence, the Game Awards have never been viewed in anything other than a positive light. However, this year the organizing team managed to upset the public more than ever, and the bad reviews can no longer be ignored. Social media and online forums are full of criticism from a frustrated community, and unfortunately, this criticism seems to be well founded.

I must say that the entire award ceremony is already in the past to many it seemed like a huge PR campaign, where celebrities or paid promotions are slowly starting to play a more important role than the video games themselves. This year was essentially no different, but the question of how much of The Game Awards event is just a lot of hype has been debated a lot more.

But first, it’s only fair to introduce The Game Awards in a little more detail. The annual ceremony honoring the best in video games first took place in 2014, nine years ago. The main icon is game journalist Geoff Keighley, who gradually accompanies the event (we may also know him from the former Spike Video Game Awards or the now very popular Summer Game Fest).

But The Game Awards have one key distinctive feature that sets it apart from standard ceremonies – the evening includes not only the announcement of the winners and the presentation of the prizes themselves, but also countless trailers and announcements for upcoming games.

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Source :Indian TV

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