If Destiny doesn’t recover, Sony could gobble up Bungie – INDIAN

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They say Sony has saved itself Bangui. If the famous American studio were not under the control of PlayStation, it would have much greater financial problems. Interest Destiny 2 is falling sharply, and Bungie’s revenue for the current fiscal year is expected to be 45% lower than expected. The situation recently led to the layoff of about 100 employees, representing approximately 8% of the workforce.

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Sony completed its acquisition of Bungie last year for $3.6 billion, promising that creators would remain independent, be able to publish games and attract players across all platforms, including Xbox. But Bungie’s independence is now under threat. If a company with over a thousand employees is underperforming and not meeting certain financial goals, so be it. The existing board of directors will be eliminated and full control of Bungie will pass to PlayStation Studios..

According to American IGN, Bungie’s current board of directors includes PlayStation Studios head Hermann Hulst, Sony senior vice president Eric Lempel, Bungie co-founder Jason Jones, Bungie CTO Luis Villegas and Bungie CEO Pete Parsons. Parsons has the casting vote.

Bungie is trying to save money, stopped hiring new employees, reduced travel expenses, and had to temporarily freeze developer salaries. But the question is when the financial situation will improve. It’s all about declining interest in Destiny 2, but the situation won’t improve in the coming months when The Final Shape extension was pushed back from February to June next year due to poor reviews of internal testing. Allegedly, the shooting should have been postponed too Marathonuntil 2025.

If the board is dissolved, Bungie could become part of PlayStation Studios, with Sony gaining full control of the studio. The question is what this will mean for future projects. There is a possibility that they will become exclusives for PS5/PC.

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Source :Indian TV

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