Counter-Strike 2 can fight cheaters better

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Online last week test version leaked Counter-strike 2, which only a select group of players have access to. This discovery caused fear in the community. There are concerns that cheat makers might start working on their programs to get them ready for the game’s summer launch.

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Dataminer nicknamed Aquarius se let go in an investigation into a leaked early version of the game and discovered references in the files to a new system called VAC Live. The latter should be able to complete the entire match, which Valve’s anti-cheat system cannot yet do; Upon detection of a fraudster, Valve Anti-Cheat kicked him out of the game.

Looks like Valve was inspired by you. valiant by Riot Games. There, the anti-cheat system will end the match if a cheater is detected. Counter-Strike fans will have to wait to confirm if the new system is actually coming to the game and in what form.

Meanwhile Counter-Strike: Global Offensive set a new record. Total was on the line at the weekend 1,519,457 people. Players are likely trying to play more often and put in more hours for a chance to get invited to the CS2 test by Valve.

Source :Indian TV

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