Test version of Counter-Strike 2 leaked to the Internet

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Valve developers are getting wrinkles on their foreheads. A test beta version of the recently announced Counter-strike 2which is tested on a limited circle of players. These players have been carefully selected based on recent play of previous Counter-Strike games and other games on Steam, and on the basis of trust. But, as it now turns out, trust was undermined.

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Several sources confirm that it is indeed free to download online. Limited test build (18.92 GB) The only difference from the official version is that you cannot play online. But singleplayer against bots should work without problems.

Valve Studio did not comment on the leaked test version of CS2. We will not offer you a link to a pirated version here. If you are looking for it, be careful what you download to your computer.

The full version is expected to be released this summer as a free update for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Source :Indian TV

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