Quantum Error intends to compete with Prey and Dead Space

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Small American studio. LLC “TeamKill Media” he wants to play in the big leagues with his title quantum error. This is evidenced by the use of the most modern Unreal Engine 5 and the favor of Sony. The PlayStation YouTube channel has a long teaser trailer for the PS5 version of this space horror game, which is due out “soon” also on PlayStation 4 and Xbox Series X/S.

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Three minute video it might make you feel familiar with Prey and Dead Space. As a firefighter you’ll navigate a futuristic device that evokes Isaac Clarke in Ishimura from Dead Space, where you too weren’t a super soldier, but rather a civilian.

We learn from the label what it will be about mix of first and third person shooters. In addition to the ax, the main character Jacob will use a circular saw and a fire hose to put out fires in order to open the door. Problems can be solved in different ways.

If you find that the video is being edited too quickly, screenshots are an alternative. We see them various weaponsincluding firearms and futuristic weapons, and opponents, including mutated humans. They look like a cross between the Necromorph from Dead Space and the intruders from Rainbow Six Extractions. While other enemies can be assigned to Prey. You can also expect to travel in an armored vehicle.

“When the Monad Quantum Research Center — 30 miles off the coast of California — is attacked by an unknown assailant, the complex is engulfed in flames and completely shut down. The San Francisco Fire Department is on its way to the scene, and Fire Chief Sturgis will dispatch Capt. Jacob Thomas and his partner, Shane Costa, to the compound. the developers write more about the plot backstory.

“Your task is simple: save as many lives as possible from the burning complex and get out. However, what begins as a rescue mission quickly fades into darkness when you discover that all is not what it seems.”

Source :Indian TV

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