Fallout 4 may have originally taken us to New York

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Earlier this week, Bethesda Softworks announced that the month-long celebration of the 25th anniversary of Fallout is slowly but surely coming to an end. But it doesn’t seem like much. Because we still get more content, whether it’s about first photo from the Fallout serieswhich is routed to Amazon Prime Video, or more videos from the Fallout Retrospective series.

In one of these videos Todd Howardcreative director of Bethesda Game Studios, said that Fallout 4 from 2015 could have originally brought us to New York. Boston, which eventually became the only setting for the game, hasn’t gone away, but we visited it towards the end in connection with the headquarters of the Institute. However, during development, there were quite a few games set in New York City.not to mention the lead constructor Emil Pagliarulo he’s from Boston. And although the final decision to focus on only one city was not his, he finally got the opportunity to cultivate his homeland in all its glory.

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The developers at Bethesda Game Studios and other studios that have worked on individual Fallout games are also mentioned in other clips. Tactical combat system VATSwondered why we like Fallout at all and said something about the already mentioned series from Amazon.

Art Director at Bethesda Game Studios Istvan Pela for example, he mentioned that the creators of the series are really true to the visual side and processing of the game worlds of Fallout from Bethesdaand Howard emphasized the involvement of the director and producer Jonathan Nolan. He, too, was given a place in the Fallout Retrospective series and offered to us in an interesting way. a bit of a behind-the-scenes look at the filming of the series, which apparently has no shortage of either power armor or Nuka-Cola bottles. According to Nolan, he got into TV production after a friend gave him a gift after he decided to get into writing books. Fallout 3.

If that’s not enough for you, you can check out two more stylish videos from Vault-Tec, which at the same time adapt the experience and impressions of some fans. In an interesting and unique way, Bethesda has drawn attention to the modding community, to those who are willing to devote a lot of time to Fallout, or to fans who have received little media attention.

Source :Indian TV

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