Finnish Stalker demo approaching Road to Vostok

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We’ll start the fight for bare life in hardcore survival Road to the East. The post-apocalyptic action, taking place on the border of Russia and Finland, should become a competition of the legendary STALKER As you can see from the genre of the game, our main task will be survival. In addition to enemy NPCs, this will also make it difficult for us realistic weapon behavior. So it’s more than understandable that in a wet and dirty environment, the trigger sticks more than once.

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And it will be an inhospitable environment that will be our number two enemy. In the form of trading with “friendly” NPCs and looting so we will have to find clothes and materials to produce dozens of itemswhich will help us on our way to East excel.

Whole the game world consists of several maps and each one is something specific. Somewhere we find ammunition, somewhere medical products and military equipment, and somewhere clothes. However, the closer we are to the East, the more difficult it will be to survive in that location. dynamic world then he also animates various events. So far, the developers have outlined only a few, for example power outages, ambushes or falling supplies. But it is more than clear that in the full version there will definitely be more of them.

But not all gaming world is dangerous. Of course, you can also meet the so-called. safe zones. In shelters, we can store all our supplies and thus free up space in the inventory, which is quite limited even with a backpack. However, shelters are also limited, so relying on the fact that all the contents of our pockets will fit into the shelter is not practical. Adding to “safety” is that game only in single player, therefore, the threat of attacks from other players is excluded. However, we recommend that you be constantly on the lookout.

So Road to Vostok definitely looks like an ambitious game that could compete with the current kings of survival games and at the same time please Stalker fans. Release date unknown, but cook for a couple you can try the demo. There is no doubt that the game will be the first in Early Access. The authors talk about it as a long-term project, and according to player feedback and further development, it may be in Early Access probably two to four years. According to the content, 20 maps, 10 shelters and 10 transitions are planned. A second version of the public demonstration is scheduled for next year.

Source :Indian TV

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