Overwatch fans don’t like Blizzard’s plans to ban heroes from the battle pass

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The next installment in the Overwatch series is already knocking on the door. Its release is already very close, but even before it, it is already causing a negative reaction from the players who see it. The reason the community is rioting around the famous shooter hero is because they won’t get the concept that the first Overwatch worked with. Instead of everyone getting all the heroes right after turning on the game, there will be a battle pass through which they can be opened either by playing or by pulling out a wallet and shortening the path to the coveted champions a bit.

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The proof of this statement should be the Watchpoint Pack, which should give players access not only to a number of cosmetics and in-game currency, but also to the heroine Kiriko, with which the community does not agree. On the one hand, this way of unlocking heroes in the long run can make life very difficult for players, because once they stop playing, they will automatically not have access to all characters for a certain period of time. On the other hand, however, it must be recognized that this will be a free game, and various forms of receiving funds are simply associated with this format. Personally, I would have liked the Fortnite approach. All game-defining content is free, and cosmetic mods cost money. Such an alternative will definitely not lift anyone from their chair.

Source :Indian TV

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