Bungie Devs Receive Death Threats After Celebrating Collaboration With Streamer

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Bungie Devs Receive Death Threats After Celebrating Collaboration With Streamer

Two employees in particular were harassed after tweeting that they would cooperate with Uhmaayyze.

destiny 2

Unfortunately, toxicity reaches limits that should never be exceeded. One of the last proponents of this was: two Bungie developers harassed for celebrating collaboration with a publisher wanted Uhmaayyze. The creator has been pretty active lately with content related to Destiny 2.

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According to IGN, two employees were harassed and threatened with death After celebrating his collaboration with Uhmaayyze in a tweet. received racial slurs, anonymous calls and text messages when the collaboration was announced in June.

The harassment got to the point where voicemails reaching their phones demanded Destiny 2. including violent scenes and racist content, according to IGN. Also, a user on Twitter posted a tweet. photo with id card In addition to announcing that one of the Bungie workers only lives half an hour from her home.

These facts motivated the two employees to condemn the situation and request a court order To put an end to such incidents. Regarding Bungie, they have announced that they will be rethinking their communication strategy due to a series of issues. threats received.

Source: 3D Juegos

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