The main character in Saints Row is voiced by 8 different voices.

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Relaunch of the crazy open world action game saints row boasts not only a comprehensive editor where you can create a character to your liking, including an alien, but also the ability to choose from eight different voices. Four are more masculine in tone and the other four are more feminine in sound. Each of the voices was provided by a different actor, so there are plenty to choose from. several different voice colors and accents.

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You can check out these different voices in the video. He is among the dubbers Anthony Del Rio, who previously worked on Metal Gear Solid 5 and Kid Icarus: Uprising. You might be interested in a male voice with typical American western slang.

Saints Row will be released on August 23 this year on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. They will be in the game Czech subtitles.

Source :Indian TV

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