Outcast 2 A Fresh Beginning: The cult sequel that aired in 1999 is getting more and more interesting

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Released in 1999, Outcast may not have set the sales charts on fire, but it undoubtedly entered the hearts and dreams of anyone who gave it a shot at the time. There was no such thing when Infogrames hit the stores: RPGs with massive maps and non-linear missions were already out there, but Outcast was an action game and built around a graphics engine that was as crazy as it was. On ray casting that allows for unimaginable detail and front page performance even without the aid of 3D video cards. Outcast was great, it was like a dream, in fact it was different from any other game, both to see and to experience in your own skin. If you’d like to take a look, an unforgettable adventure that was released in a remastered version in 2017 is by all intents and purposes…

But in this case, we saw a ‘.Outcast 2: A New Beginning preview and we are ready to tell you how this game is ready to take the baton.

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Not class water

Outcast 2 A New Beginning: Outcast remains a game dedicated to exploration

Outcast 2 A New Beginning: Outcast remains a game dedicated to exploration

The existence of Outcast 2: A New Beginning is a miracle, and on the one hand, embracing currently feeding the video game industry in search of projects that can make a difference. Fortunately, this Fresh Start is one of the trusted stocks and, more importantly, funds. Another miracle is that the trio behind the project is actually the same group that spawned the original Outcast, so aside from expecting a past-honored experience, in this game the developers risk breaking into the game. The ideas (and the frustrations of not being able to implement them) matured after years of being forced off the stage. Outcast 2 will probably be the bomb.

First they have to solve a problem: the hero’s face. Do something for this hero, for example, trim his alcoholic beard, increase his physical strength a little, because that way he risks not being able to keep up with his explosive adventure. Unlike the other games featured at Gamescom 2022, we didn’t hold the pad during the presentation of Outcast 2: A New Beginning, so we can’t explain in detail what it feels like to lead your alter-ego in this colorful world. the game. Shown to us, frankly, we loved it.

Cause and effect

Outcast 2 A New Beginning: Exciting interiors full of mysteries

Outcast 2 A New Beginning: Exciting interiors full of mysteries

First of all we liked how the rooms were structured. missions. We’re shown a surprisingly complex one, the size of a bus, linked to some kind of flying whale beetle and necessary for an attack against invading robots. The goal is to hatch the egg containing the creature and then grow it until it’s fully mature when we can use it in combat, and as far as we know, for some sort of function comparable to the more classic swift. Travel.. We will have several options to achieve the goal, and each of them will permanently transform the game world, for example, revolutionize the surrounding fauna and geopolitical situation. But from what they tell us, some missions may have repercussions across all available geographic areas.

Welcome to Talan

Outcast 2 A New Beginning: Are you ready to return to Loot in complete freedom?

Outcast 2 A New Beginning: Are you ready to return to Loot in complete freedom?

this planet Outcast 2: A New Beginning’s name is Talan, where seven different technologically backward tribes live, opposing this completely automatic threat and we will have to reject it. To do this we will need the help of the entire planet, so it will be vital to persuade ourselves to cooperate with us and with each other. The different kingdoms of the pillage have their own dynamic economies and different approaches to life, death and war that we can use to our advantage. Each tribe will then have many tasks to offer us, and it will be up to us to decide in what order we will perform them, taking into account the potential changes that await us at the end of each narrative arc.


Outcast 2 A Fresh Beginning: Each of the game's seven tribes will have different characteristics and needs

Outcast 2 A Fresh Beginning: Each of the game’s seven tribes will have different characteristics and needs

Once again, we are talking about an action game with all its aspects: the movement system is so devoted to speed that it will be possible to use it so much. wingsuits and jetpacks, our weapon, which will always remain one, can be modified for a total of over four hundred variants, combining the benefits of forty different modules. We will also have at our disposal an anti-gravity device that allows the hero to lift, block and throw enemies and objects. It reminded us of the legendary and inaccessible Just Cause 2, but here is also a story, very detailed quests and a map built on the wildest imagination, rather than imitating dictatorial tropical paradises. Also, exploration will play a pivotal role in Outcast and this sequel, and Talan’s breathtaking design proves it once and for all.

a flawed face

Outcast 2 A Fresh Beginning: This sequel was developed using Unreal Engine 4

Outcast 2 A Fresh Beginning: This sequel was developed using Unreal Engine 4

technicallyAside from the features of its protagonist, Cutter Slade, Outcast 2: A New Beginning is undoubtedly flamboyant, colourful, yet extremely modern, despite being in perfect harmony with its ancestor. Worth mentioning, the different tribes’ faces and features are more than a foot above the single Slade’s face. The version shown was of course the PC version, the resolution didn’t seem very high, but as you know, the code optimization stage is the last stage.

taking into accountExpected to be released in early 2023Outcast 2 still has plenty of time to improve and finally prove what it’s made of.

It seems incredible to find ourselves after waiting twenty years for a new Outcast series that we now think is dead and buried. The fact that it’s being worked on under the loving hands of the original developers only confirms our good feelings. Will A New Beginning finally give the brand the attention it deserves? We’ll find out in 2023 on PC, Xbox Series and PlayStation 5.


  • very rich in graphics
  • Original and interesting mission design
  • Action worthy of the best sandbox
  • hero’s face
  • A single weapon, but customizable, will it be enough?
  • Could it be true that missions change things that much?

Source: Multiplayer

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