The Warcraft universe will celebrate major milestones in 2024, and all adventurers of Azeroth are invited to celebrate the year, including Hearthstone’s 10th anniversary in March, World of Warcraft’s 20th anniversary, and World of Warcraft’s 30th anniversary in the Warcraft universe in November!
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To share with players what’s coming next, the World of Warcraft development team posted some initial plans for next year on the franchise blog.
In the post, World of Warcraft executive producer Holly Longdale reflects on 2023 and reveals what the future holds for modern and classic WoW. At the beginning of next year, players can expect:
Dragonflight Upgrade Seeds (10.2.5)
- Dungeons of Followers;
- Epilogue quests “Flight of Dragons”;
- Research and test new features of the public sandbox that is already available.
Cataclysm Classic Beta
- Registration is now open!
Discovery Season: Phase 2
- A new maximum level of 40, a new raid on Gnomeregan to level up, and Stranglethorn as a PvP location in the world.
Hardcore kingdoms
- Stand alone single player mode.
More information about upcoming Dragonflight and WoW Classic content can be found on the World of Warcraft website.
Source : Married Games