LEGO Star Wars: Skywalker Saga: Xbox Series X best console version, for video comparison

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ElAnalistaDeBits youtube channel released a. video clash about different versions LEGO Star Wars: The Legend of Skywalkerconcluding that, Xbox Series X The best of all these consoles, it’s obviously only beaten by PC (quite pleonastic to report).

The game runs very well on all considered platforms i.e. PC, Xbox Series X and S and PS5, but it has some advantage on Series X. resolution and performance. The console versions have two graphics modes: quality and performance. On the PS5, in turn, we have a dynamic resolution that goes up to 2160p, normally dropping to 1980p for 30fps, or a dynamic resolution that starts at 1440p and averages 1368p for 60fps. On the Xbox Series X we instead have a quality mode with dynamic resolution at 2160p for 30fps that manages to maintain 4k in almost any situation, and a performance mode at all times 2160p for 60fps that drops to 1872p on average. Of course on the S Series the numbers are much lower and we’re talking dynamic resolution from 1260p to 30fps (average 1152p) for quality mode and up to 1260p at 60fps (average 1152p) for performance mode.

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at the level graphic details The versions of the two top-performing next-gen consoles are pretty much the same, with shadows, textures, ambient occlusion, and draw distance. However, the PC version is the best version, especially for reflections.

Moreover PS5 It suffers some tearing in larger areas and loads slower than the PC and Xbox Series X versions.

ElAnalistaDeBits’ conclusion is that the Xbox Series X is the best optimized platform in this situation. Series S and PS5 offer good performance, but can improve. But nothing dramatic.

Source: Multiplayer

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