Destiny 2 Lightfall Bug Makes Players Invisible, But Bungie Is On It

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There is a nasty Destiny 2 Lightfall bug that causes players and weapons to disappear in the FPS space game. In addition to the obvious consequences of nearly invisible players running in PvE and PvP content, the issue also prevents the reticle from working properly. Fortunately, Bungie says that he has located the source of the Destiny 2 crash and is continuing to investigate the issue.

The glitch renders players and their weapons invisible, with a slight visual flicker that looks a bit like a Hunter using their class invisibility. This is also displayed to other players, which means that some Guardians in your game may be affected. In addition to the visuals, it seems that hitting him with this bug will prevent you from using the scope on him and may also cause unexpected effects when firing certain weapons.

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The Bungie Help Twitter account claims to have found the cause. He says: “We are investigating an issue that causes some player characters and weapons to become invisible after repeatedly interacting with the post-activity thank you screen.” Crew recommended for affected players to restart the game to resolve the issue while a fix is ​​investigated.

This isn’t actually the first time this particular issue has been reported: it was reported in Season of the Splicer, and the video below shows it in action. However, players are reporting this much more frequently since the release of Lightfall. This is obviously a big problem for PvP players, but it can also cause a lot of problems for players trying to handle more difficult group content.

Hopefully, now that Bungie has officially acknowledged the issue, it will be fixed before the Destiny 2 Lightfall raid release date.

Learn how to get Destiny 2 Winterbite Exotics and complete the Destiny 2 Stargazer quest with our handy guides. Nous vous tendrons également au courant des meilleurs exotiques de Destiny 2 Lightfall et du secteur perdu légendaire de Destiny Day 2. Si vous n’avez pas encore essayé le dernier ajout au jeu PC gratuit, jetez un œil à notre revue Destiny 2 Lightfall pour voir what happens.

Source : PC Gamesn

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