All Wo Long Dragon’s Vein Crystals, Essences, and Locations

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I want to know where to find Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Dragonvein Crystals and Essences? These important items give you more healing power via your Dragon Healing Pot, which acts as the Wo Long equivalent of the Estus Flask from other Souls games. You need to have these upgrades to survive even the easiest boss fights.

To increase the power of your Dragon Cure Pot, you will need to find Wo Long Dragon Vein Crystals and Essences. Dragon Vein Crystal, when used, will increase the maximum amount of charges you have before your next visit to Battle Flag, the bonfire in this game. Dragon Vein Essence, on the other hand, increases the amount of damage you heal when you activate it. . Because it’s a relatively difficult RPG with a lot in common with top games like Dark Souls, you’ll want to heal as much as possible on each charge.

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Wo Long Dragon’s Cure Pot Upgrade Locations

Here are all the Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Dragon’s Vein crystals and essences we have so far:

Dragon Vein Crystal: Two Knight Heroes

After killing the boss Zhuyan, you will find a blacksmith named Zhu Xia. He passes the zombies and goes into the big building. Behind it is a chest with a crystal.

Dragon Vein Essence: Burnt Yellow Skies

After placing the second battle flag, climb up the ledges and defeat the enemy tiger standing in front of the chest near the wooden door. Contains the essentials.

Dragon Vein Essence: Valley of Weeping Ghosts

After raising the battle flag up the stairs, head down the hill and you will see Shitishou on your right. Keep looking for two tiger enemies. Kill them and pick up the item on the ground as a reward.

Dragon Vein Crystal: Yellow Sky Demonic Fort

After opening the fort gate behind the battle banner, turn left and smash the ogre guarding the entrance. You will find a crystal on a bench.

Dragon Vein Essence: Quest for the Immortal Wizard

Climb up the branch above Zhupolong, near the last battle flag, to find Dragon Sinew Essence.

Dragon Vein Essence: Fall of the Corrupted Eunuch

To find it, you need to find the keys to the Luoyang Dungeon. From the battle flag on the first floor where the purple water lake is, go to the cell with many zombies inside next to the flag and defeat them. The key is next to the body near the brazier. To get the essence, go to the other side of the purple lake and just before you enter the room with the torch outside, turn left. Open the cell door here with the key and get gas. The key works across all cells, so don’t worry if it’s a single item.

Dragon Vein Crystal: Fall of the Corrupted Eunuch

When you get to the battle flag right in front of the boss, go around the right side of the big temple in front of you and kill the wolf and the soldier you find there. The crystal is next to the bamboo trees on the other side of the small bridge.

Dragon Vein Essence: The Battle of Hulaoguan Pass

After you defeat the axe-wielding corrupted soldier at the side camp battle flag behind you on the side path, if you’re at the battle flag right in front of the main fort, jump onto the ballista and shoot arrows at the barricade wooden blocking the way to the chest on the scaffolding ahead. The essence is inside the chest.

Dragon Vein Essence: Darkness Over the Han River

Go to the left of the final battle flag and access the item at the end. From there, double jump to a small cabin with a balcony to find a chest inside.
Dragon Vein Essence: Tyrant’s Last Banquet – After defeating the Alligator mini-boss, climb up the rafters and jump into the cage hanging over the water to find the essence.

Dragon Vein Crystal: The Tyrant’s Last Feast

When you enter the bamboo forest, jump over the wall to the right. You can also get to the passage by defeating the soldier with the ax guarding the stairs. Once here, head to the other end of the path and before turning right, jump into the small hole on the left to collect the crystal.

Dragon Vein Essence: An Artist’s Fate

This entity is located at the top of the bridge, next to a tiger that roams the area.

For now, these are all the crystal and essence locations in Wo Long Dragon’s Vein, but we will complete the list in the near future. Wo Long bosses should now be much easier to deal with, provided of course you have mastered Wo Long’s deflection mechanic. You may be wondering how long Wo Long is or if there is a new Wo Long plus game, so be sure to check the answers in the links provided.

Source : PC Gamesn

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