The best Elden Ring talismans and where to find them

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I want to know what best elden pet ring are? Talismans are a version of Elden Rings from previous Souls games. Each talisman grants a passive buff with effects ranging from general benefits, such as faster stamina regeneration, to increased final attack damage when paired with two swords.

You can find many of the best Elden Ring pets in the huge open-world RPG; some are found in treasure chests in the Elden Ring dungeons, some drop as loot from enemies and bosses, and some can be bought from merchants. While their usefulness varies depending on your Elden Ring setup and the best Elden Ring weapons you use, talismans provide some much-needed help when fighting Elden Ring bosses. As you progress into more difficult areas, you’ll find upgraded versions of Talismans with improved effects, and you’ll be able to increase the number of Talismans equipped with bags.

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Locations of all Elden Ring pets

Here’s our pick of the best Elden Ring pets:

  • armory charm
  • Crimson Assassin’s Dagger
  • veil of concealment
  • Curved Sword Talisman
  • Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman
  • Erdtree’s Favor
  • Lange skin of god
  • golden beetle
  • green turtle mascot
  • double blade talisman

armory charm

This talisman increases the maximum charge of your equipment by 15%. You will get it by talking to Nefali in the Dungeon of the Round Table after she has been summoned and defeated by Godric the Grafted.

You can find an updated version that gives you an additional 17% gear charge in Altus Tunnel. In the second cave, head south through the tunnel until you come to a wooden balcony next to the well. Drop down from the left side and land on the roots below. Climb up the roots to reach a ledge above you where a corpse is clinging to the Arsenal Talisman +1.

You can also find the Great Jar Arsenal by completing the Great Java quest to defeat all three Duelists on Dragon Mound. You can access this area by ascending to the surface from the Deep Siofra River shaft. Using this talisman increases your maximum charge by 19%.

The best Elden Ring talismans are the location of Assassin's Crimson Dagger.

Crimson Assassin’s Dagger

Critical hits restore approximately 20% of your total HP. Reward for defeating the Black Knife Assassin in the Catacombs of Death dungeon in Limgrave.

The best talismans in the Elden Ring are the Hidden Veil location.

veil of concealment

Conceals the owner when hiding from enemies. Dropped by Black Knife Assassin in Sage’s Cave on the Altus Plateau.

The best Elden Ring talismans are the Curved Sword slot.

Curved Sword Talisman

Increases guard counters. Found in a treasure chest in a dark room in the Stormvale Castle cellar. You still need to clear this area to continue to Stormvale Castle, but you can skip the chest in the room as it’s very dark in there.

The best Elden Ring talismans are the location of the Dragoncrest Greatshield.

Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman

This is a great option for melee oriented players. Drastically improves physical damage resistance by adding +20 to all related stats.

It is located on a raised platform in a building in the north-eastern part of Elfael, Haligtri Staple. You can get to the access point by going to the grace site of the drainage channel, but it is protected by pests.

The best Elden Ring pets are the Erdtree's Favor pet location.

Erdtree’s Favor

Increases max HP, stamina, and gear charge. You can select it as a souvenir in the character creator or find it in the Extreme Folk Heroes Cave in Limgrave.

You can also find higher level versions of this talisman. To get the Erdtree’s Favor +1 variant, head to the boss room in the subway where you fight Mog, the Omen. You can risk opening the chest in the middle of the fight, but it’s safer to get it after Mog is dead.

The Erdtree’s Favor +2 variant is in a tree on the eastern edge of Leindell, Ashen Captial, next to the elevator near Forbidden Lands and East Altus Dive Tower. To access this talisman, you will have to return from the blessed place of the forbidden lands.

The best Elden Ring talismans are the Godskin Layer location.

Lange skin of god

Successive attacks restore HP. Fallen from the fight of the Apostle Skin of God and the Noble Chief Skin of God in the Spiritcaller Cave in the Peaks of the Giant Mountains.

Best Talismans Elden Ring is the location of the Golden Scarab.

golden beetle

This talisman increases the number of runes you receive from enemies. This is currently believed to be a 20% increase, but the effect can stack with other rune-enhancing items. You receive this as a reward for defeating two Pure Rot Knights in Caelida’s Forsaken Cave.

The best Elden Ring pets are the green turtle location.

green turtle mascot

Increases the rate at which Stamina regenerates. Found in an area full of turtles in Summonwater Village, unlocked by an imp statue.

The best Elden Ring pets are the Twinblade location.

double blade talisman

Empowers the last hit that ends a chain of attacks. It is in a chest on the walls of Morne Castle.

Best Elden Ring Talismans: The old woman gives the player a bag of talismans.

How to Get Elden Ring Talisman Bags

Charm bags allow you to carry more charms at the same time. There are only a few in the game, so here you will get extra slots for Elden Ring talismans:

  • Charm Bag #1 – This drops after defeating Margit the Fallen Omen.
  • Charm Bag #2 – This can be obtained from Enya the Finger Reader, an old man you find with Two Fingers in the Roundtable Hold. You can only obtain it after acquiring two superior runes from the Elden Ring.
  • Charm Bag #3 – You get this for defeating Godfrey in Leindell, Royal Capital.

We found some great Elden Ring pets. To become even more powerful in battle, check out our Elden Ring Weapon Arts guide, Elden Ring Ashes of War locations, and Elden Ring Crystal Sunder locations. We also have a guide on how to get the best Elden Ring endings, that’s if you’re interested in the unlock requirements.

Additional contributions by Jen Rothery and Joe Robinson.

Source : PC Gamesn

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