Where to find the charm of Arsenal in Elden Ring? –

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Looking for Arsenal magic in Eliden Ring? Here is where you can find it.

The Arsenal Enchantment is one of many Talismans found in the Elden Ring. Each talisman grants players a unique effect or boost to help them travel through the lands. Talismans like the Arsenal Talisman can be incredibly useful for the wandering traveler, in which case they lift the maximum weight of gear a player can carry.

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There are two variations of the Arsenal charm; Arsenal Spell +15% and Arsenal Spell +1 +17%. Below we discuss in detail how you can keep both.

The magic of the first arsenal can be collected in the costumes of the nephew after going to a round table. You will first encounter her in a secluded Grace Cell in Castle Stormwell. Here you have to go through all his dialogues until he informs you that you can call him to help you in the battle against Godrick Graft.

Source : dbl tap

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