What is a monster in a career?

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Wondering what a monster is in The Quarry? We have protected you.

From the makers of anthology titles Dawn and The Dark Pictures, The Quarry is the latest supermassive interactive horror drama set in New York City. For those new to the main campaign, here’s a brief explanation of what the beast in the quarry is.

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Spoiler alerts on story details of course.

While players will get clues to the major supernatural dangers in the game, first watch what happens in Episode 3 when someone attacks Nick.

Players will immediately notice that the creature’s main characteristics are dark red skin, long limbs, sharp teeth, and a desire to smile. Eventually, he realized that these creatures were humans who had turned into werewolves.

The career pretty much follows traditional werewolf mythology. These people can transform into them and devour living beings during the full moon. Additionally, they can spread the infection with a bite, turning other people into werewolves.

During the encounter, players will find that they have extreme powers as well as impeccable night vision and sharp claws.

Luckily, all is not lost when they come face to face, as werewolves suffer from an unreasonable fear of water and can also be killed with silverware.

Perhaps the only thing that differs from the typical werewolf idea is that the monsters in this game don’t have wolf hair.

Quarry is now available on PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | Available for S and Windows PC (via Steam).

For more on The Quarry, be sure to read our article on the number of endings and whether the game will have co-op.

Source : dbl tap

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