The full name of Dragon Age 4 has been revealed

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BioWare has revealed the name Dragon Age 4. The upcoming RPG is officially titled Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, a nod to both the game’s main antagonist and the ending of Dragon Age: Inquisition, the latest installment in the venerable series.

So who is this “dire wolf”? “Some say he could be an ancient elven god, but others say he is not. Others say he is a traitor to his people… or a savior now seeking to save them at the cost of their world,” BioWare said in a post announcing the game’s title, earning him a reputation as a trickster deity, a player of the dark. and dangerous games.

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BioWare says you don’t have to worry about knowing everything about Dragon Age to feel at home in Dreadwolf, but veterans of the series will no doubt be delighted by the possibilities that such attention leaves for Solas. “If you’re new to Dragon Age, you don’t have to worry that you haven’t met our antagonist yet,” says BioWare.

Here is the ad:

BioWare also says, unsurprisingly, that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf won’t be released this year, but that the studio will have more information about it before the end of 2022.

Source : PC Gamesn

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