How to Unlock Dark Ranger Customization Settings and Transmog Kit in 9.2.5

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Snow storm Finally, Dark Ranger customization for your Elven characters and a transmog kit for Hunter classes were added in World of Warcraft patch 9.2.5. Here are some great gossip addons for customizing characters, along with everything you need to know to get them.

Dark Rangers customization will be available for all Night Elf, Blood Elf, and Void Elf characters. They have a gray and gray skin color that shines with red eyes. To unlock them, players must complete a fast backline around Tirisfal Glades. To complete this quest, Alliance players must find Gen Grameen and Horde players Calia Menethil in the Enclave on Oribos.

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The quest shouldn’t take too long and will take you to Tirisfal Glade and stop in the middle of Maldraxus. Once complete, transfer the quest to the NPC you picked it up from and you will receive the achievement Return to Lordaeron, which will grant you access and access to the Dark Ranger customization. To apply the new presets, simply choose a new skin color or a new red eye color. If you complete the quest as a hunter, you will also prevent the purchase of a Dark Ranger transmog kit from Outfitter Reynolds in your class.

Source : dbl tap

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