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How to Get Cotton in V Rising


Need to catch some cotton? Here’s how to find it in V Rising.

In V Rising, players wake up as a vampire who needs nearby human settlements to gain power and survive. With a game that uses crafting as its main mechanic, you’ll soon find that you need to scavenge valuable materials and resources.

One of these materials is cotton, which is used to make cotton yarn. Here’s where to find cotton and how to turn it into yarn.

First of all, you need to know where to find raw materials – cotton. Luckily, players will be able to raid cotton farms scattered across Danley Farmland.

The farming areas have eight cotton farms where players can extract materials from crops or find loot. You will need a brutal copper gun Or a better cotton crop.

Once you have cotton, you can turn it into cotton yarn. Each piece of cotton yarn needs 15 cottons – so be sure to pack enough.

However, the mere presence of materials is not enough. Players will also need to use the loom. To earn the recipe for Loom, players must defeat Beatrice Tailor, a level 38 boss. Find her on the Altar of Blood in the patron list. Click “Blood Tracking” to start monitoring.

After defeating Beatrice, you will receive a recipe for crafting wood. For its manufacture, the following materials are required:

And that’s all. After collecting the necessary materials, you can craft as much Cotton Yarn as you want.

V Rising is available in early access on Microsoft Windows.

Source : dbl tap



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