How to use a smoke grenade in the Forbidden West of the horizon?

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Guerrilla games photo / Screenshots: Alexandra Hobbes

Using a smoke grenade in Horizon Forbidden West is quite simple and effective. The smoke grenade in this new sequel will help you hide the player’s presence, especially if it comes to dodging a group of enemies. As a beginner, in a wandering world, in order not to die right away, smoke bombs are a good way to leave a mark when the fight becomes too difficult for the player. Buying or crafting these smoke bombs can also be quite simple.

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Horizon Forbidden West is the second game in the Horizon series, you will have to encounter several cars to beat the players. Novice players may need to be distracted to escape combat, as it can be difficult to kill enemies a player may encounter. Smoke grenades are perfect for this purpose. But before learning how to use smoke bombs in Horizon Forbidden West, it is important to know how to get a recipe to make them.

Smoke Grenades can be purchased without a prescription, from merchants, but instead of cheating money, it will be much easier to learn the recipe as the story progresses.

Source : dbl tap

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