League of Legends 12.15 Update Preview

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League of Legends patch 12.15 arrives on August 10 with many new champions and system tweaks. Known as League of Legends developer Matt Leung-Harrison @RiotPhroxzon on Twitterreleased a preview of the changes to be made in the new patch. Here’s all the information we got from the 12.15 patch preview.

The main tweet specifically mentions Master Yi and Taliyah’s changes. Mage Y is considered powerful across the board, causing Talia to thin as well as her E time. Other champions who get angry include Qiyana, Sivir, Gwen, and Kalista.

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Buffs come from Jungle Lillia, Singed, Rammus, Leona, Thresh, Kennen, Akali, Zed, Shen, and Lee Sin. System buffs are also coming to Mercurial Scimitar and Silvermere Dawn, nerfs are coming to First Strike and Divine Sunderer.

This patch has significantly smaller adjustments than previous patches 12.10 through 12.14; this indicates that the game stabilized after the stamina update as the developers wanted the game state to finally be. We may also see additional in-game changes and adjustments after the release of patch 12.15.

Source : dbl tap

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