League of Legends Top 5 Mid Laners in Patch 12.14

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League of Legends mid laners are known for their high impact, high damage playstyle. Below, we’ve listed our picks for champions who can dominate the mid lane in patch 12.14.


Victor is one of the best scaling mages that deals a lot of damage. Thanks to Siphon Power, he can have area control and good mobility. Once you upgrade their abilities, the enemy cannot win against Victor. His ultimate, Chaos Storm, also reduces his channel abilities, giving the team the edge to deal as much damage as possible.

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Swain can collect Soul Fragments from enemy attacks that regenerate a maximum of 9% of his health. Swains Vision of Empire enables demonic revelation that reveals the location of the enemy.


Now one of the most underrated champions in the game after all these recent buffs, Vex has a very impressive win rate. Disables a bunch of different high mobility and melee matches. He can easily provide early kills around the map.


Kassadin lets you get your power-ups earlier in the game. You don’t need to reach level 16 to access Goddess Tear. You have an advantage with Nether Blade offers from the start of the match.


Fire the first shot and become a scaled monster as it deals damage to the enemy in the first 0.25 seconds of Battle of Champions. Cyana’s Royal Privilege used against an Opponent inflicts bonus physical damage. Edge of Ixtal also deals bonus damage based on its element when swinging the weapon.

Source : dbl tap

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