2022 League of Legends Legendary Store Calendar

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Riot Games has introduced the Mythic Essence currency to League of Legends, which allows players to purchase prestigious and legendary skins, among other accessories. Skins are priced based on the number of times they have been spoiled. If you want to buy from Mythical Store, here is the store’s 2022 schedule.

Legendary content related to certain events will also be available at certain times. Two prestige skins change every month. There will also be two old Hextech skins and a new Legendary skin that changes every three months.

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Mythic Essence, also known as ME, is the currency used to unlock legendary tier content in League of Legends. Players get 10 ME every 50 levels starting at level 150. Players can also get ME through Hextech Chests and Mastery Chests.

ME can be used to create rare content in the Mythic Store, including:

  1. Prestige skins without cases
  2. Legendary Undiscovered Skin
  3. New Prestige Skins
  4. Blue Gasoline (BE)
  5. Orange extract (EO)
  6. A random piece of skin
  7. Seasonal legendary skins with border + icon
  8. Seasonal Legendary Beacon Skins
  9. legendary feelings
  10. Mythic Chroma + icon (requires possession of Mythic Skin)

As new content is released, we will update the story to reflect new releases and store releases.

Source : dbl tap

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