Where is Fortnite in Impossible Rock, Chapter 3, Season 1?

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Courtesy of Epic Games/fortnite.gg

Looking for Impossible Rock in Fortnite Episode 3: Season 1? Here’s what you need to know.

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Some missions may require you to travel to a specific location. It can be to attend a game, to harvest or simply to accept. Whatever your reason, that’s not a big deal when it comes to named places. The map will tell you exactly where everything is. When it comes to landscapes, that may be a different story.

It’s not always easy to find sites like Impossible Rock just by looking at a map. Mentally noting where you first found this is definitely one way to do it, but unless you’ve played a risky amount of Fornite, you’re unlikely to remember every one of them.

As for Impossible Rock, luckily we can tell you exactly where to look.

Source : dbl tap

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