Apex Legends Gold Player vs All Predator Teams

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The Gold Apex Legends player faced a team of Predators. The last season did not go smoothly with many bugs and glitches, but this problem has existed for many seasons. Players understand at this point that their ranked games can be invaded by higher level players.

So far, it’s been much harder to level up, which is even worse for players when facing unfair opponents.

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Based on the video, one Octane player was paired with two Platinum players, including a Platinum I. That’s a bit much since Octane is only a Gold II. But once you see a champion team, it’s over. The Three Predators are filled with Predator badges from last season. One of them is ranked fifth on the server.

The main problem is that players rank up too quickly. Thus, you will be rewarded with a good match against better opponents. So if the matchmaking system cannot find suitable opponents, it will match you with higher ranks. This is unfortunate and will basically ruin any momentum you have created.

Problem Smurfs. The system tries to distinguish low elos dominant players who can only be smurf accounts. So it tries to put these cute accounts in proper settings. But in this case, you guessed wrong.

Source : dbl tap

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