A gun game mode is potentially coming to Apex Legends

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The Apex Legends audio leak seems to confirm the arrival of a new Gun Game mode in Battle Royale. HYPERMYST, a Twitter user who previously shared Apex Legends content, posted audio of lines from an Apex Legends announcer such as “The team has reached half the points needed to win” and “L team has five points to win”.

For those unfamiliar with the game mode made famous by Call of Duty, Gun Game sees players picking up a different weapon when they kill. Players win after killing with all available weapons. The game mode hails from Call of Duty: Black Ops and has been a staple in the series ever since.

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What feels different from Apex Legends’ seemingly classic mode is that it will now be team-based competition rather than individual. This raises questions about the win condition, traditionally the game ends after a player kills with each weapon. The mod will most likely run on the usual scoring system, where each kill gives their team a point and the player who kills gets a weapon swap. This is complemented by leaked audio pointing to a point system as a win condition.

Since the release of Season 14, the new mode could come with Season 15, along with a host of new customizations.

Although Apex Legends is known for its 3 vs 3 Battle Royale gameplay, it has already tested several additional game modes in the past. These include Hunt, Control, and Shadowfall.

Source : dbl tap

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